The development direction of frequency converter in my country

2021-11-02 17:12:34 jact_elec

The development direction of frequency converter in my country

The supplier of inverter braking unit reminds you: As inverters are widely used in air-conditioning, elevator, metallurgy, machinery and other industries, China's inverter market is currently in a period of rapid growth. According to statistics, China's frequency converter market has maintained a growth rate of 12%-15% in recent years, which has far exceeded the GDP growth rate in recent years, and will maintain a growth rate of more than 10% for at least the next 5 years. Growth rate.

Taking into account the price drop of about 4-6%, the increase in inverter installation capacity (power) in the Chinese market is actually around 20%.

Calculated according to this development speed and the demand of the Chinese market, the market will be saturated and mature gradually after at least 10 years. Therefore, China's inverter market has broad room for development.

Energy saving and consumption reduction, the development road of frequency converter

With the release of the government's "13th Five-Year Plan for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction", reducing energy consumption is not simply energy saving, it involves all links from energy extraction and processing to downstream energy use.

This requires us to improve the efficiency of energy development, production, and processing links, and reduce waste; we must adopt advanced technology, equipment and products that are energy-saving, consumption-reducing, water-saving, and environmentally friendly, and transform or eliminate outdated production capacities and processes that are high in consumption and pollution.  

And products. Among them, automation companies have huge opportunities, and the most direct ones are inverter manufacturers. From upstream oil, natural gas, and coal mining, to energy transmission and power generation, to downstream petrochemical, steel, and automobile production, to water treatment and environmental protection in the later stage, there is everything.

The original purpose of the frequency converter is speed control, which is used in printing, elevator, textile, machine tool and production line industries. At present, quite a lot of applications are aimed at energy saving. As China is a large energy consuming country, energy utilization efficiency is relatively low, and China’s energy reserves are relatively poor. Therefore, the country vigorously advocates various energy-saving measures, and the State Economic and Trade Commission and the State Planning Commission formulated the "Electricity Conservation Management" in 2001. "Methods", emphatically recommends the frequency converter speed regulation technology. In the fields of water pumps, central air-conditioning, etc., the inverter can replace the traditional flow-limiting valve and return bypass technology to give full play to the energy-saving effect; in the thermal power, metallurgy, mining, and building materials industries, the economic value of AC motor systems with high-voltage frequency conversion and speed regulation Is being reflected.

Domestic inverter companies are ready to go

In response to the market demand for energy conservation and environmental protection, domestic inverter companies have sprung up in recent years. According to industry insiders, compared with foreign frequency conversion companies, several domestic companies that are at the top of the technology have a very competitive advantage. The product design of domestic companies is fully suitable for the index needs of domestic users, and the performance of frequency converter products is equivalent. In terms of price, foreign products are higher than 1/3 of domestic products, and foreign companies are even more expensive in terms of after-sales services. Most domestic companies’ disadvantage is insufficient funds, so they cannot expand the market significantly. With the further improvement of users’ awareness of energy conservation and environmental protection, after two or three years of self-development, domestic companies will certainly catch up with and surpass foreign companies and occupy a larger share of the domestic market.

According to market research, there are currently at least 180 million kilowatts of motors with variable loads in China that have energy-saving potential. It can be seen that the energy-saving and consumption-reducing requirements put forward by the energy shortage provide a broader space for the application of frequency converters and also bring more development opportunities to frequency converter enterprises.